Markiplier is the online name of Mark Edward Fischbach, who is one of the YouTubers who have managed to become a true success on said platform. Primarily, he is best-known for making Let's Plays, which refer to people documenting themselves playing through a wide range of titles in a wide range of genres. In Markiplier's case, he has a reputation for playing through survival horror titles in particular.
For those who are curious, Markiplier was born in Honolulu in Hawaii. It is interesting to note that he has some Korean heritage, though he hasn't said too much about it save that his grandfather grew up in what is now North Korea but managed to southward before the Korean War broke out. Initially, Markiplier had planned to become a biomedical engineer, but he eventually dropped out of university for the purpose of pursuing a career as a professional YouTuber.
How Did Markiplier Reach a Net Worth of $24 Million?
As stated earlier, Markiplier specializes in Let's Plays, which are watched by millions and millions of people out there for a number of reasons. For example, there are some people who watch Let's Plays because they want to get a good idea about what the games play like, thus enabling them to make a more informed decision about whether they want to buy them for themselves or not. In contrast, there are other people who watch Let's Plays because they want to see an exhibition of skill, whether because they are stuck on a particular point or because they want to see exactly what a skilled and experienced players can do with the game. With that said, there are also plenty of people who watch Let's Plays because they are interested in the creators' commentaries, which can range from humorous to insightful depending on the exact person playing through the games.
Markiplier is a good example of someone who is famous for their commentaries on Let's Plays. In short, his commentaries tend to be very sensationalized, as shown by the fact that they can include screaming shouting, and in some cases, bouts of outright crying. This makes excellent sense because Markiplier specializes in survival horror titles, which provide plenty of fodder for that kind of reaction.
Besides Let's Plays, Markiplier has been known to do other kinds of videos as well. For example, it isn't uncommon for him to post vlogs in which he converses with his viewers on a wide range of topics, which are sometimes inspirational in nature. Likewise, he has done sketch comedy as well as livestreaming for the sake of raising money for charities, which are often done in collaboration with other YouTubers as well as other organizations.
Summed up, it is clear that most of Markiplier's net worth has come from his videos, which have millions and millions of people watching them. However, it is important to note that he has engaged in other revenue-earning activities as well, with an excellent example being the improv tour that he embarked on along with a number of other YouTubers in 2017, which proved to be popular enough to warrant an extension to a full tour that covered Australia, Europe, and North America. Still, while these revenue-earning activities shouldn't be ignored, there can be no doubt about the chief source of Markiplier's income, which will presumably remain so for a long time to come.
Final Thoughts
Currently, there are sources that estimate Markiplier's net worth it be around $24 million. Said estimate isn't perfectly reliable because it is an estimate produced using incomplete information, but it is nonetheless useful for providing interested individuals with a general idea of Markiplier's wealth. Since Markiplier's channel continues to do well, it seems reasonable to speculate that he will continue to see increases to that figure over time. However, it will be interesting to see what kind of changes will happen in the future. After all, while Markiplier remains best-known for his Let's Plays, he has indicated a strong interest in making comedy sketches in more recent times as well. As a result, one can't help but wonder whether there will come a day when Markiplier is as well-known for comedy sketches as he is for his Let's Plays.