Issue October 2024 - Woman&Home Feel Good You (2025)

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Issue October 2024 - Woman&Home Feel Good You (1)

October 2024

Woman&Home Feel Good You is the only wellbeing and fitness title on the market that offers women of any age, any shape, any fitness level, particularly women over 40, the inspiration to feel fabulous every day. Simple changes that fit real life are the prescription to make the most of their looks, feel younger, fitter, slimmer, reduce stress, increase vitality and live a healthier life. The magazine is divided into sections focusing on wellbeing, beauty, diet, fitness, health and ‘inner you’ and is packed with tips, expert advice and best buys.

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in this issue
IN THIS ISSUEThe season toGET COSYAutumn signals the end of summer, the slow creep of cold, dark nights, while Christmas still feels months away. Yet, as the world changes colour around us, there’s beauty to be found in the golden season. A time to hunker down with a hot chocolate or pumpkin spiced latte in front of a roaring fire. Or, following the advice of our fabulous walking feature (p84), pull on those chunky knits and comfy boots to get outdoors and delight in the crackle of leaves underfoot. It’s even better if you have a four-legged friend to tag along with you, as it could mean you live a longer, healthier life (see p28). That back-to-school September vibe can also be the perfect opportunity for a fresh start. Whether that’s reassessing your life goals,…1 min
And the restWhat’s healthyRIGHT NOW?TEST YOUR BREATH Breathlessness during strenuous activity is common, and feeling short of breath can increase with age, but it can also be a sign of something more serious. To check your breathing, go to This test will help you to decide if you need to see a GP. DON’T LEAVE THE LID UP Each flush of the loo creates thousands of droplets of bacteria that can contaminate surfaces up to 180cm away – so remember to close the toilet lid before flushing. ‘This simple act can help contain the spread of germs, avoiding potential health risks such as E.coli and norovirus,’ says GP Dr Donald Grant, senior clinician at The Independent Pharmacy. SOCIALISE TO SLASH STROKE RISK Regularly seeing family and friends could help prevent you from having…2 min
And the rest3 OF THE BEST BREWS WITH BENEFITSEASE ANXIETY Pukka Three Chamomile, £4.75 for 20 bags, Relax your nervous system and help to soothe daily tension with this calming blend. AID DIGESTION Heath and Heather Organic Fennel, £2.99 for 20 bags, Bloated? Fennel acts as a diuretic so this full-flavoured infusion may help with water retention and discomfort. BOOST BONES Tick Tock Rooibos (Redbush) Tea, £3.90 for 80 bags, Rooibos is linked to higher bone mineral density, according to research – particularly in postmenopausal women.…1 min
Modern lifeAll fineandSCANDIScandinavian women are officially among the happiest and healthiest in the world* thanks to their outdoorsy lifestyle, sensible diet and positive mental attitude. And if there’s ever a time to adopt this wholesome, balanced approach to wellbeing, it’s now. Saying goodbye to summer is a wrench, but with these healthy habits there’s no need to dread the cold, dark days of the coming months – instead, now is the ideal time to restore and rejuvenate. Denmark ✢ HYGGE Hygge is associated with creating a warm, inviting atmosphere, one where you feel safe and relaxed, says Claudia Dumond, holistic health coach and founder of the wellness brand Minimondo. ‘But the concept isn’t just physical. It’s a mental state in which you live in the moment – and love it. It’s a…7 min
Modern lifeCure the comparisonCURSETrying to keep pace with your more adventurous friends? Envious of colleagues who can afford to retire early while you’re slogging away? Comparing yourself with others is something we all do – it’s human instinct. ‘Comparison has been hardwired into our DNA for thousands of years,’ explains therapist Marisa Peer. ‘Previously, to stay alive, we learnt how to do things by watching others – it was survival of the fittest.’ However, fast forward to the current day and pitting ourselves against our peers has become a measuring stick for material worth, personal success and life satisfaction, often breeding low self-esteem, jealousy and depression. It’s time we put a stop to it, here’s how… Viewing the competition We often tend to overestimate the happiness and success of others, while failing to…3 min
Modern lifeESCAPE THE CYCLE1STAY IN YOUR LANE Focus on your own goals and work on achieving them in your own time. ‘Compose a plan, set realistic times and stay consistent,’ says Marisa. ‘Avoid getting distracted by the “noise” of what others are doing. This can be demotivating and you’re less likely to achieve your targets.’ 2SPEAK YOUR FEELINGS After spending the evening with a loved-up couple, would you question whether your own relationship was on the rocks? If you notice spiralling negative thoughts, say them out loud, suggests Dawn. ‘What we accept from our internal voice often sounds ridiculous when spoken.’ 3GET CURIOUS Look out for ‘emotional landmines’. ‘Feel that twinge of comparison? Bring it to the conscious and challenge it. Ask yourself, “What am I feeling?” and “Where does this stemfrom?”’ says…1 min

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Issue October 2024 - Woman&Home Feel Good You (2025)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Views: 5820

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.